Healthcare Interoperability: Exploring the Potential of the FHIR Claim Resource

The Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Claim Resource stands as a vital component within the FHIR framework, designed to enhance the exchange of healthcare-related information in a standardized and interoperable manner. FHIR itself is a modern and widely adopted standard for health data exchange, developed by the Health Level 7 (HL7) organization, aimed at improving the accessibility and interoperability of electronic health records (EHRs) and health-related data.


At its core, the FHIR Claim Resource serves as a structured representation of a healthcare claim. A healthcare claim is a formal request for payment that a healthcare provider submits to a payer, such as an insurance company or government health program, for services rendered to a patient. This resource encapsulates all the pertinent details regarding the claim, ranging from patient demographics and service details to provider information and billing codes. By providing a standardized format for representing claim-related information, FHIR Claim Resource assists in streamlining the claims process, reducing errors, and facilitating efficient communication between various stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.

The FHIR Claim Resource encompasses a comprehensive array of data elements, accommodating both the basic information necessary for claim adjudication, such as patient identification, service dates, and billed amounts, as well as more intricate aspects like diagnosis codes, procedure codes, and supporting documentation. This granularity and inclusiveness empower healthcare systems to not only handle routine claim submissions but also support complex scenarios involving various types of healthcare services, providers, and payers.

One of the key advantages of the FHIR Claim Resource is its adherence to the FHIR standard’s principles, including its use of modern web technologies like RESTful APIs and JSON for data exchange. This design philosophy ensures that the Claim Resource can be seamlessly integrated into existing healthcare systems and applications, facilitating interoperability and easing the burden of data exchange across different platforms. Furthermore, the FHIR standard promotes a modular approach, allowing healthcare organizations to adopt and implement the Claim Resource within their systems gradually, based on their specific needs and capabilities.

FHIR Claim Resource
FHIR Claim Resource

In summary, the FHIR Claim Resource plays a pivotal role in the FHIR ecosystem by offering a structured and standardized representation of healthcare claims. Through its comprehensive data elements and adherence to modern data exchange practices, it contributes to smoother claim processing, reduced errors, and improved collaboration among healthcare providers, payers, and other stakeholders. As the healthcare industry continues to emphasize interoperability and streamlined data sharing, the FHIR Claim Resource stands as a valuable tool in achieving these objectives and advancing the quality of patient care.

Structure of FHIR Claim Resource

Here is the structure of the FHIR Claim resource in JSON format along with an explanation of each element. Other format like XML and Turtle is also present, but for simplicity here we will take the example of JSON format. The complete structure details can be found here.

  "resourceType": "Claim",
  "id": "12345",
  "status": "active",
  "created": "2023-08-10T10:00:00Z",
  "use": "complete",
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/56789"
  "billablePeriod": {
    "start": "2023-07-01",
    "end": "2023-07-15"
  "diagnosis": [
      "sequence": 1,
      "diagnosisCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "J45.0",
            "display": "Asthma"
  "procedure": [
      "sequence": 1,
      "procedureCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "99213",
            "display": "Office visit, established patient"
  "insurance": [
      "sequence": 1,
      "focal": true,
      "coverage": {
        "reference": "Coverage/98765"
  "item": [
      "sequence": 1,
      "productOrService": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "99213",
            "display": "Office visit, established patient"
      "encounter": [
          "reference": "Encounter/54321"
      "net": {
        "value": 100.00,
        "currency": "USD"

Explanation of the JSON elements:

  • resourceType: This indicates the type of FHIR resource, which in this case is “Claim”. It specifies that the JSON object represents a FHIR Claim Resource.
  • id: This is a unique identifier assigned to the claim resource. It helps distinguish this claim from others in the system.
  • status: This field represents the current status of the claim. In the example, it’s set to “active”, indicating that the claim is currently in an active state.
  • created: This field indicates the date and time when the claim was created. The value is in ISO 8601 format (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ”).
  • use: This field specifies the purpose of the claim. In the example, it’s set to “complete”, indicating that the claim is intended for billing purposes.
  • patient: This field references the patient associated with the claim. The value is a reference to another resource (Patient resource) in the system using the format “ResourceType/ID”.
  • billablePeriod: This field defines the period during which the services were provided and the claim is being made. It includes a “start” and “end” date in ISO 8601 format.
  • diagnosis: This field represents diagnosis details related to the claim. In the example, there’s an array with a single diagnosis object. It includes the diagnosis “sequence” and a “diagnosisCodeableConcept” which contains coding details (ICD-10 code, display name).
  • procedure: This field represents procedure details related to the claim. Similar to diagnosis, it includes an array with a single procedure object. It contains procedure “sequence” and “procedureCodeableConcept” with coding details (CPT code, display name).
  • insurance: This field indicates the insurance coverage associated with the claim. In the example, there’s an array with a single insurance object. It includes an insurance “sequence”, “focal” flag, and a reference to the insurance coverage (Coverage resource).
  • item: This field represents individual billed items within the claim. It includes an array with a single item object. The item object contains details such as “sequence” of the item, “productOrService” (coding details for the service provided), a reference to the associated “encounter”, and the “net” amount billed (value and currency).

Commonly used fields in FHIR Claim Resource

The FHIR Claim Resource is designed to capture comprehensive information about a healthcare claim, accommodating a wide range of scenarios. While the exact usage can vary based on specific use cases and implementations, here are some of the most commonly used fields within the FHIR Claim Resource:

  • resourceType: Specifies the resource type as “Claim.”
  • id: Unique identifier for the claim.
  • status: Indicates the status of the claim (e.g., “active,” “cancelled,” “draft”).
  • created: Date and time when the claim was created.
  • use: Purpose of the claim (e.g., “complete” for billing).
  • patient: Reference to the patient associated with the claim.
  • billablePeriod: Period during which the services were provided and the claim is being made.
  • diagnosis: Array of diagnosis details related to the claim.
  • procedure: Array of procedure details related to the claim.
  • insurance: Array of insurance coverage details associated with the claim.
  • item: Array of billed items or services within the claim.
  • total: Array of total monetary values associated with the claim (e.g., “total” for the claim amount).
  • careTeam: Array of care team members involved in the claim.
  • provider: Reference to the healthcare provider or organization submitting the claim.
  • priority: Priority assigned to the claim (e.g., “normal,” “urgent”).
  • usePeriod: Period during which the policyholder had the coverage.
  • enterer: Reference to the individual who entered the claim data.
  • insurer: Reference to the insurance company or organization responsible for the claim.
  • facility: Reference to the facility where the services were provided.
  • related: Array of related claims or items associated with the current claim.
  • prescription: Reference to the prescription or order associated with the claim.
  • originalPrescription: Reference to the original prescription, if applicable.
  • payee: Reference to the party to whom the claim payment should be made.
  • referral: Reference to the referral associated with the claim.

These fields represent a subset of the commonly used elements within the FHIR Claim Resource. The actual usage and importance of each field depend on the specific requirements of the healthcare claim being represented. As the healthcare industry evolves and standardizes further, the usage of specific fields might also adapt to accommodate emerging needs and interoperability standards.

A use case where FHIR Claim Resource can be utilized

Use Case: Healthcare Claim Submission and Processing

Description: In the healthcare industry, there is a constant need for efficient and accurate processing of healthcare claims between healthcare providers and insurance companies. When a patient receives medical services, a claim needs to be generated, submitted to the relevant payer (insurance company or government program), and subsequently processed for payment. The traditional manual and paper-based claim processes are time-consuming, error-prone, and lack interoperability.

Solution: The FHIR Claim Resource can play a pivotal role in streamlining and modernizing the healthcare claim submission and processing workflow.

With FHIR’s structured data format, healthcare providers can generate electronic claims using the FHIR Claim Resource. They can populate the resource with detailed information about the patient, services provided, diagnosis, procedures, and other relevant data. This resource provides a standardized way to represent all the necessary claim information.

  1. Claim Generation: The healthcare provider’s system generates a FHIR Claim Resource that contains accurate and standardized data about the patient, services, diagnoses, and procedures. This ensures that all required information is captured accurately.
  2. Claim Submission: The generated FHIR Claim Resource is then electronically submitted to the insurance company or payer. Since FHIR supports modern web technologies like RESTful APIs and JSON, the claim can be seamlessly transmitted over secure networks.
  3. Interoperability: The insurance company’s system is designed to consume FHIR resources. It can easily parse the incoming FHIR Claim Resource, extracting essential details about the claim.
  4. Claim Adjudication: The insurance company’s system processes the claim using automated rules and algorithms. It cross-checks the details in the claim against the patient’s insurance policy, coverage, and relevant regulations. This automated process reduces the likelihood of errors and speeds up the claim adjudication process.
  5. Payment Processing: Upon successful claim adjudication, the insurance company’s system generates a response, which may include details about approved amounts, coverage, and payment. This response can also be encoded as an FHIR resource, ensuring consistent communication between systems.
  6. Claim Status Tracking: Both the healthcare provider and the insurance company can track the status of the claim through the FHIR Claim Resource. This enhances transparency and communication between stakeholders.

By utilizing the FHIR Claim Resource, healthcare claim submission and processing are transformed into a more streamlined, accurate, and interoperable process. It reduces the administrative burden, minimizes errors, and accelerates the reimbursement cycle, benefiting both healthcare providers and insurance companies. This use case demonstrates how FHIR’s standardized data representation contributes to the overall efficiency and quality of the healthcare claim workflow.

Here are a few general or interview questions related to the Claim resource, which aims to gauge your knowledge about the resource, its practical application, and your understanding of healthcare interoperability principles.

1. What is the FHIR Claim Resource, and what purpose does it serve in the healthcare domain?

The FHIR Claim Resource is a structured representation of a healthcare claim within the FHIR standard. It’s designed to capture comprehensive information about services provided to patients and the associated billing details. Its purpose is to standardize the representation of healthcare claims, making it easier to exchange claim information accurately and efficiently between healthcare providers and payers.

2. Can you provide an example of the type of information that can be captured using the FHIR Claim Resource?

The FHIR Claim Resource can capture a wide range of information, including patient demographics, diagnosis codes, procedure details, insurance coverage, billed items, costs, dates of service, and more. This comprehensive representation ensures that all necessary information for processing claims is included in a structured manner.

3. How does the FHIR Claim Resource contribute to improving the efficiency of the claims processing workflow?

The FHIR Claim Resource standardizes the way claims are represented, making it easier for different systems to understand and process claim data. This reduces errors, accelerates claims processing, and enhances communication between healthcare providers and insurance companies, resulting in faster reimbursement cycles and reduced administrative burdens.

4. What are some of the key elements you would expect to find within a FHIR Claim Resource?

An FHIR Claim Resource typically includes elements such as patient information, diagnosis details, procedure details, insurance coverage, billed items, financial data, and dates of service. These elements provide a comprehensive view of the claim’s context and facilitate accurate claims processing.

5. How is insurance coverage information represented in the FHIR Claim Resource?

Insurance coverage information is captured using the "insurance" element within the FHIR Claim Resource. This element includes details about the insurance policy, coverage sequence, and whether the coverage is focal. It also references the relevant insurance coverage resource.

6. In what scenarios might the "diagnosis" and "procedure" elements within the FHIR Claim Resource be utilized?

The "diagnosis" element captures diagnosis details related to the claim, such as ICD-10 codes, providing context for the services provided. The "procedure" element includes procedure codes and descriptions, specifying the treatments or procedures performed for the patient.

7. How can FHIR Claim Resources be exchanged between different healthcare systems or organizations?

FHIR Claim Resources can be exchanged using modern web technologies, particularly RESTful APIs. These APIs allow healthcare systems to send and receive FHIR resources, ensuring standardized data exchange while adhering to security and privacy protocols.

8. What role do implementation guides and profiles play in standardizing FHIR Claim Resource usage?

Implementation guides and profiles provide guidelines for implementing FHIR resources consistently across different healthcare systems. They ensure that FHIR Claim Resources are used in a standardized way, promoting interoperability and accurate data exchange.

9. Could you describe a real-world scenario where the FHIR Claim Resource could be applied to improve healthcare processes?

Imagine a patient visiting a clinic for a medical procedure. The clinic generates a FHIR Claim Resource containing the patient’s demographics, diagnosis, procedure details, and associated costs. This resource is transmitted electronically to the patient’s insurance company for review and reimbursement. This streamlined process reduces paperwork, minimizes errors, and expedites payment for the healthcare provider.

10. How does FHIR facilitate data exchange between different healthcare systems, including the sharing of FHIR Claim Resources?

FHIR leverages modern technologies like RESTful APIs and standardized data formats such as JSON. This allows healthcare systems to communicate seamlessly by sending and receiving FHIR resources, including FHIR Claim Resources. The standardized format ensures that data is understood and processed accurately across various systems.

11. Can you discuss the significance of traceability and auditability when dealing with FHIR Claim Resources?

Traceability and auditability are essential for maintaining transparency and accountability in healthcare processes. FHIR Claim Resources enable tracking changes, updates, and actions related to claims, ensuring an accurate audit trail and facilitating compliance with regulations.


In conclusion, the FHIR Claim Resource stands as a pivotal advancement in the landscape of healthcare data exchange and interoperability. Through its standardized and structured representation of healthcare claims, this resource addresses the intricate challenges associated with billing, reimbursement, and claims processing within the healthcare industry. By encompassing essential elements such as patient demographics, diagnosis codes, procedure details, insurance coverage, and financial data, the FHIR Claim Resource streamlines the traditionally complex and error-prone claims workflow.

The significance of the FHIR Claim Resource lies in its ability to foster seamless communication between healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other stakeholders. This standardization not only expedites the claims adjudication process but also minimizes discrepancies and enhances transparency. As the healthcare ecosystem continues to prioritize interoperability and efficient data exchange, the FHIR Claim Resource stands as a shining example of how modern technology, standardization, and collaborative efforts can revolutionize the way healthcare data is shared, leading to improved patient care, reduced administrative burdens, and increased operational efficiency.

I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!

[Further Readings: FHIR EnrollmentResponse Resource | FHIR EnrollmentRequest Resource | FHIR CoverageEligibilityResponse Resource | FHIR CoverageEligibilityRequest Resource |  FHIR Contract Resource |  FHIR ImmunizationRecommendation Resource | FHIR ImmunizationEvaluation Resource |  FHIR Immunization Resource |  FHIR FormularyItem Resource | FHIR MedicationKnowledge Resource | FHIR Medication Resource |  FHIR MedicationStatement Resource |  FHIR MedicationAdministration Resource |  FHIR MedicationDispense Resource |  FHIR MedicationRequest Resource |  FHIR BodyStructure Resource | FHIR Specimen Resource  | FHIR MolecularSequence Resource |  FHIR ImagingStudy Resource | FHIR DocumentReference Resource |  FHIR DiagnosticReport Resource |  FHIR Observation Resource |  FHIR NutritionOrder Resource |  FHIR NutritionIntake Resource | Dependency Injection in WPF ]

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