Healthcare Interoperability: Exploring the Potential of the FHIR ServiceRequest Resource

The FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) ServiceRequest resource is a crucial component of the FHIR standard that focuses on facilitating the exchange of healthcare-related service requests and orders. FHIR is an emerging standard developed by HL7 (Health Level Seven International) to improve the interoperability and exchange of healthcare information in a standardized format.


The FHIR ServiceRequest resource represents a request for a particular healthcare service to be carried out. This service could encompass a wide range of medical activities, such as diagnostic tests, treatments, procedures, consultations, and more. It serves as a means of communication between healthcare providers, enabling them to communicate, track, and manage patient care efficiently.

The ServiceRequest resource includes various essential elements that provide comprehensive information about the requested service. These elements typically consist of the requester (the healthcare professional or entity initiating the request), the performer (the entity or individual responsible for carrying out the service), the patient who is the subject of the request, and the type of service being requested.

In addition to basic details, the ServiceRequest resource can also contain additional information such as timing constraints, priority levels, supporting documentation, and other relevant clinical notes. This comprehensive set of data ensures that the request is well-defined and allows the receiving party to accurately understand the nature and urgency of the service required.

FHIR ServiceRequest Resource
FHIR ServiceRequest Resource

One of the primary goals of the FHIR ServiceRequest resource is to improve the exchange of healthcare information and promote interoperability between various healthcare systems. By adopting standardized data representation and terminology, healthcare providers can efficiently communicate and collaborate, regardless of the systems they use. This, in turn, enhances patient care coordination, reduces errors, and streamlines the healthcare delivery process.

Overall, the FHIR ServiceRequest resource plays a pivotal role in modernizing and enhancing healthcare communication and delivery. As the FHIR standard continues to gain traction in the healthcare industry, the ServiceRequest resource will undoubtedly serve as a fundamental building block for achieving greater interoperability and more efficient healthcare services.

Structure of FHIR ServiceRequest Resource

Here is the structure of the FHIR ServiceRequest resource in JSON format along with an explanation of each element. Other format like XML and Turtle is also present, but for simplicity here we will take the example of JSON format. The complete structure details can be found here.

  "resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
  "id": "example-request",
  "status": "active",
  "intent": "order",
  "category": [
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "diagnostic",
          "display": "Diagnostic"
      "text": "Diagnostic"
  "code": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "23444-6",
        "display": "Blood pressure systolic & diastolic"
    "text": "Blood Pressure Measurement"
  "subject": {
    "reference": "Patient/example",
    "display": "John Doe"
  "encounter": {
    "reference": "Encounter/example",
    "display": "Emergency Room Visit"
  "occurrenceDateTime": "2023-07-27T10:30:00Z",
  "authoredOn": "2023-07-27T08:00:00Z",
  "requester": {
    "reference": "Practitioner/example",
    "display": "Dr. Jane Smith"
  "performerType": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "RP",
        "display": "Service Requested Performer"
    "text": "Service Requested Performer"
  "performer": {
    "reference": "Organization/example-lab",
    "display": "ABC Hospital Lab"
  "note": [
      "text": "This is an urgent test, results needed ASAP."
  "priority": "routine",
  "quantityQuantity": {
    "value": 3,
    "unit": "ml",
    "system": "",
    "code": "mL"
  "reasonCode": [
      "coding": [
          "system": "",
          "code": "56261009",
          "display": "Hypertension"
      "text": "Hypertension"

Explanation of the elements:

  • resourceType: Specifies that this is a FHIR resource of type ServiceRequest.
  • id: A unique identifier for this particular ServiceRequest.
  • status: Indicates the status of the request (e.g., “active” means the request is currently valid).
  • intent: Represents the intent of the request (e.g., “order” indicates a request for a service).
  • category: Specifies the category of the service requested, using coding and display values.
  • code: Describes the specific service being requested, using coding and display values.
  • subject: References the patient for whom the service is requested.
  • encounter: References the encounter (visit) during which the service request was made.
  • occurrenceDateTime: Indicates the date and time when the service is requested to be performed.
  • authoredOn: The date and time when the request was created.
  • requester: References the practitioner who initiated the service request.
  • performerType: Specifies the type of performer for the requested service, using coding and display values.
  • performer: References the organization responsible for performing the service.
  • note: Contains a textual note providing additional information or context for the request.
  • priority: Indicates the priority level of the service request (e.g., “routine” or “urgent”).
  • quantityQuantity: Provides a quantity with unit information for the requested service (e.g., device metric values).
  • reasonCode: Contains the reason for the request, using coding and display values.

Commonly used fields in FHIR ServiceRequest Resource

The FHIR ServiceRequest resource includes a wide range of fields to capture various details about a healthcare service request. While the usage of fields may vary depending on specific use cases and implementations, the following are some of the most commonly used fields in the FHIR ServiceRequest resource:

  • status: Indicates the status of the request, such as “active,” “completed,” “cancelled,” etc.
  • intent: Represents the intent of the request, like “proposal” (suggested but not yet requested) or “order” (formal request for a service).
  • category: Specifies the broad category of the service requested, often using standardized coding systems like LOINC or SNOMED CT.
  • code: Describes the specific service being requested, using standardized coding systems.
  • subject: References the patient for whom the service is requested.
  • encounter: References the encounter (visit) during which the service request was made.
  • occurrenceDateTime or occurrencePeriod: Indicates the date and time or period when the service is requested to be performed.
  • requester: References the practitioner or organization who initiated the service request.
  • performerType: Specifies the type of performer for the requested service, such as “performer” or “verifier.”
  • performer: References the individual or organization responsible for performing the service.
  • note: Contains free-text notes providing additional information or context for the request.
  • priority: Indicates the priority level of the service request, such as “routine,” “urgent,” or “asap.”
  • supportingInfo: Can include additional information or documentation related to the request.
  • reasonCode or reasonReference: Represents the reason or indication for the service request, using coding or reference to another resource.
  • authoredOn: The date and time when the request was created.
  • quantityQuantity or quantityRatio: Provides a quantity with unit information for the requested service, often used for specifying measurements or dosage.
  • insurance: May include insurance or financial information related to the service request.
  • orderDetail: Contains specific details or requirements for the requested service.

These fields cover the essential aspects of a ServiceRequest, enabling effective communication and coordination between healthcare providers and systems. It’s important to note that the FHIR standard is flexible, and specific implementations may choose to use additional or customized fields to suit their particular use cases and workflows.

A use case where FHIR ServiceRequest Resource can be utilized

Use Case: Remote Monitoring of Chronic Condition

Description: Remote monitoring of patients with chronic medical conditions is becoming increasingly common in healthcare. Patients with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease require regular monitoring of vital signs and health parameters to ensure timely interventions and prevent complications. However, frequent hospital visits for monitoring can be burdensome for patients and may not be feasible for those living in remote areas. To address these challenges, a remote monitoring solution using the FHIR ServiceRequest resource can be implemented.

Solution: The healthcare provider sets up a remote monitoring program for patients with chronic conditions. Each patient is provided with monitoring devices, such as a blood pressure cuff, glucometer, and a wearable heart rate monitor. These devices are capable of capturing and transmitting relevant health metrics.

  1. ServiceRequest Creation: When a patient is enrolled in the remote monitoring program, the healthcare provider creates a ServiceRequest resource for the regular monitoring of vital signs. The ServiceRequest includes the patient’s details, the list of devices to be used for monitoring, the frequency of measurements, and the specific metrics to be captured (e.g., blood pressure, glucose levels, heart rate).
  2. Data Transmission: At scheduled intervals or when the patient initiates a measurement, the monitoring devices capture the relevant health metrics. The data is then transmitted securely to the healthcare provider’s system through an interoperable platform that adheres to FHIR standards.
  3. Data Processing and Analysis: Upon receiving the data, the healthcare provider’s system processes and analyzes the incoming health metrics. The system may also apply decision support algorithms to identify any abnormal readings or trends that require immediate attention.
  4. Alerts and Notifications: If any critical health metrics are detected or if the patient’s condition requires intervention, the system triggers alerts and notifications to the healthcare team. This ensures that timely actions can be taken to address the patient’s needs, such as adjusting medication dosages or initiating telemedicine consultations.
  5. Patient Portal and Access to Data: Patients can access their health data and receive feedback through a secure patient portal or a mobile app. The portal may display trends, graphs, and personalized recommendations based on the data received. Patients can also communicate with their healthcare team through the portal.
  6. Continuous Monitoring and Follow-up: The remote monitoring program allows continuous monitoring of the patient’s health over an extended period. The healthcare team can track the patient’s progress, make data-driven decisions, and intervene proactively to prevent exacerbations of their chronic condition.

By utilizing the FHIR ServiceRequest resource in this remote monitoring use case, healthcare providers can efficiently manage and coordinate the care of patients with chronic conditions, leading to improved patient outcomes and enhanced patient engagement in their own healthcare journey. Additionally, adherence to FHIR standards ensures seamless interoperability between different healthcare systems, facilitating data exchange and continuity of care.

Here are a few general or interview questions related to the ServiceRequest resource, which aims to gauge your knowledge about the resource, its practical application, and your understanding of healthcare interoperability principles.

1. What is the FHIR ServiceRequest resource, and what purpose does it serve?

The FHIR ServiceRequest resource is a fundamental component of the FHIR standard used in healthcare interoperability. It represents a request or order for a specific healthcare service, such as a diagnostic test, treatment, or procedure. The ServiceRequest resource facilitates communication between healthcare providers, enabling them to exchange service requests and coordinate patient care efficiently.

2. How can the FHIR ServiceRequest resource be used in a remote monitoring use case for chronic conditions?

In a remote monitoring use case, the FHIR ServiceRequest resource can be utilized to create service requests for regular monitoring of patients with chronic conditions. Each patient is provided with monitoring devices to capture vital signs and health metrics. The ServiceRequest includes details about the patient, the monitoring devices, the frequency of measurements, and the specific metrics to be captured. The data from the devices is transmitted securely to the healthcare provider’s system, where it is processed, analyzed, and used to trigger alerts and notifications for timely interventions.

3. How does the FHIR ServiceRequest resource promote interoperability in healthcare?

The FHIR ServiceRequest resource promotes interoperability by providing a standardized format for representing healthcare service requests. Healthcare providers and systems that adhere to the FHIR standard can easily exchange and understand ServiceRequest data, regardless of their underlying technology. This seamless data exchange fosters better communication, care coordination, and continuity of care among different healthcare entities.

4. What are some common fields used in the FHIR ServiceRequest resource to specify the requested service details?

Some common fields used in the FHIR ServiceRequest resource to specify the requested service details are:

  • category: Specifies the category of the service, such as “diagnostic” or “treatment.”
  • code: Describes the specific service being requested, often using standardized coding systems like LOINC or SNOMED CT.
  • occurrenceDateTime or occurrencePeriod: Indicates the date and time or period when the service is requested to be performed.
  • performerType: Specifies the type of performer for the requested service, such as “performer” or “verifier.”
  • performer: References the individual or organization responsible for performing the service.

5. How can the FHIR ServiceRequest resource be beneficial in improving patient care and outcomes?

The FHIR ServiceRequest resource improves patient care and outcomes by streamlining communication between healthcare providers. It ensures that service requests are well-defined, standardized, and accessible, which reduces the risk of errors and misinterpretations. With accurate and timely service requests, patients receive the appropriate care they need, leading to better management of their conditions and improved health outcomes.

6. In what scenarios might a healthcare provider use the FHIR ServiceRequest resource to request services for a patient?

Healthcare providers might use the FHIR ServiceRequest resource in various scenarios, such as:

  • Requesting diagnostic tests, such as blood tests or imaging studies.
  • Ordering treatments, therapies, or medications for a patient.
  • Scheduling medical procedures or surgeries.
  • Requesting consultations with specialists.
  • Initiating remote monitoring programs for patients with chronic conditions.

7. How does the FHIR ServiceRequest resource facilitate patient engagement in their healthcare?

The FHIR ServiceRequest resource facilitates patient engagement by providing patients with access to their health information. Patients can view their scheduled services, receive reminders for appointments, and access their health data through patient portals or mobile apps. This involvement in their care empowers patients to actively participate in managing their health and collaborate with healthcare providers to make informed decisions.

8. How does the FHIR ServiceRequest resource promote scalability and interoperability in healthcare systems?

The FHIR ServiceRequest resource promotes scalability and interoperability in healthcare systems through its standardized data model and use of common coding systems. Healthcare organizations can implement FHIR-compliant systems, and when exchanging data, they can rely on the same set of standardized fields and terminology. This consistency allows healthcare systems to seamlessly communicate and share data, regardless of their individual architectures or technologies. As a result, healthcare systems become more scalable and can easily integrate with other FHIR-based systems, fostering greater interoperability across the healthcare ecosystem.

9. How can the FHIR ServiceRequest resource contribute to improved care coordination among healthcare providers?

The FHIR ServiceRequest resource contributes to improved care coordination by providing a standardized format for communicating service requests. When healthcare providers use a common data representation, it becomes easier to share information accurately and efficiently. Care teams can access and understand the details of a service request, including the type of service needed, the patient’s context, and the responsible performer. This seamless exchange of information enhances care coordination, reducing duplication of efforts and ensuring that all team members are aware of the patient’s care plan.


In conclusion, the FHIR ServiceRequest resource plays a pivotal role in advancing healthcare interoperability and enhancing patient care coordination. As a fundamental component of the FHIR standard, it enables healthcare providers to communicate and exchange service requests in a standardized format, facilitating seamless data exchange between different systems. By adopting a common data representation, healthcare organizations can efficiently request and schedule a wide range of healthcare services, including diagnostic tests, treatments, consultations, and more.

The ServiceRequest resource empowers healthcare providers to create well-defined and structured service requests, enhancing accuracy and reducing the risk of errors. It fosters improved patient outcomes by ensuring that the right services are requested for the right patients at the right time. Moreover, by supporting remote monitoring use cases, it enables innovative solutions that improve patient engagement and access to care. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve and embrace interoperability standards, the FHIR ServiceRequest resource will remain a critical enabler of efficient, patient-centered care delivery, driving advancements in healthcare technology and care coordination.

I hope you find this post helpful. Cheers!!!

[Further Readings: FHIR DetectedIssue Resource |  FHIR ClinicalImpression Resource |  FHIR CareTeam Resource |  FHIR Goal Resource |  FHIR CarePlan Resource |  FHIR AdverseEvent Resource |  FHIR FamilyMemberHistory Resource |  FHIR Procedure Resource |  FHIR Condition Resource | FHIR InventoryItem Resource |  FHIR Substance Resource |  FHIR DeviceMetric Resource |  FHIR DeviceDefinition Resource |  FHIR Device Resource |  FHIR NutritionProduct Resource |  FHIR BiologicallyDerivedProduct Resource |  FHIR ObservationDefinition Resource |  FHIR Flag Resource |  FHIR AppointmentResponse Resource | FHIR Appointment Resource |   FHIR Encounter Resource |  FHIR EpisodeOfCare Resource |  FHIR SpecimenDefinition Resource |  FHIR Slot Resource |  FHIR Schedule Resource |  FHIR Endpoint Resource | FHIR HealthcareService Resource | Dependency Injection in WPF ]

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